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Which is the cheapest on-line supplier of Smartmedia memory cards? What should be my target price (including VAT) for a 128 Mb card?
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can one still get kazaa lite++
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Why do the BBC keep referring to the Netherlands as Holland in Euro 2004? ITV gets it right.
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How fast do the top Premiership football players (Henry, Owen, Rooney, etc.) run 100 metres?
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how do i set up a dial up connection from my laptop running XP using my Siemens SL55 mobile and the IrDA connection between the two. I have downloaded Siemens data suite.
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Lisa Prime
Anyone know what the recent Channel 4 music was advertising the final 'Friends' series 2004?
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I enjoyed it but can anyone explain the order of the way the plot was being unfurled.
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What is the music used for the new Peogeot 206 advert?
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Right, I couldn't figure this out. ? . Does Neo die in the end? You can see him lying still after having overcome the evil thingie (forgotten what it's called) in the end. Cheers.
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I have recently uploaded the new charlies angels movie from kazaa but to play it i require ' four cc 'o' '. What is this and where can i get it from??
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I know the basics of driving but am not confident on the roads. I want to be able to drive properly by July this year. If I take lessons now will I be able to pass a test before then? Is it do-able?...
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How fast can a horse race 100m in?
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There's a worship song that starts 'Bow down and worship Him; Worship Him - o - o - oh, worship Him!' I was told it might have been written by Bishop Paul Morton but I'd appreciate it if someone...
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computer is rebooting for no reason altnon xp home fault number is stop 0x000007f
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If my Modem is 56Kbps then why is the typical download speed on my computer about 4kbps? This seems to be the same with them all.
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I'm Setting up a network at home and i need some assistance. I'm going to have some of those special sockets in each room (J5) but how does the broard band split up down to the cables that lead o...
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Genius, mad-man or both?
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some of the ftp sites require a password. I know some sites will let you in as 'anonymous' user. But what do you type as the accepted pw? guest? tried that...
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Would you say Coldplay is classed as indie or rock? A dispute between me and my boss...
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Im a massive Alan Partridge fan and waited for his new series with great expectations but...nobody could be more suprised than me that I dont find it FUNNY. Ive not even tuned in after the 2nd...

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