The Mark Snow Soundtrack on the X Files installment where lost souls were caught in starlight as Fox Mulder walks through the graveyard at night. The backing track sounds a sort of spooky repeating...
Is there an accurate transcription of Mean street from Van Halen's Fair warning album? Specifically the intro. Preferably a free site. Thanks for any answer.
Chinas brutal market in cats and dogs for slaughter supposedly closed last year.. but as todays Daily Mail p26-27 reveal, its booming as never before. Cages packed full of cats waiting to be sold to...
A well known supplier of strawberries reccommends putting strawberry plants into plastic pots of compost - but then putting that plastic pot with plant into a growbag (?!?) - I don't get it? Say 3...
What is the correct cement and mixture or concrete and mixture for cementing together "crazy paving" (the paving made from broken concrete slabs)? What is the correct cement &...
On a TV programme where a guest was invited on to be asked questions by a panel, to discover the occupation of the guest, it emerged the African woman was the inventor of Sudoku - and that was her...
Is my yukka plant poisonous - The cat has been stopped a few time from trying to chew at it. I had a quick google and haven't found info on that aspect. Not sure if Yukka is a generic term that covers...
What's the name of the USA Railroad worker - and therefore the area of brain named after him - who found himself the wrong end of a pipe exploding with dynamite? It punched a hole out of the top of...
where there was a bit on a woman who had let her alsation starve and only got a 4 month prison sentence. i was wondering who else out there thinks that animal cruelty should have harsher sentence's,...