Just a quickie; was talking about this the other night with my girlf. I have a very high emotional response to some music that I love. If I want to, I can force it, but I can and have had in the past...
If you were told at the paydesk that you couldn't have the item you'd chosen because it had been sold earlier over the phone where do you stand? (apart from emptyhanded :-) ).
I know the song they use on their advert is a variation of 'The Piano' by Michael Nyman, but does anyone know the name of this version, as I can't find it anywhere.
I have a 7yr old dog (given to me at 15 mnths) & he seems to be getting dafter! Someone will say the dog's only as good as the owner, but I really try, read books, watch tv progs - can't afford...
(The kitchen cupboard with drop down work surface.) Does anyone know where I can locate an online photo of one of these, what their official name is (I presume it is kitchenette?) and how much they...
How do I get rid of the smell of damp from some clothes which were washed and not dried quickly enough? I've washed them a couple of times since but they still smell sour? Help!
I've a soccer tournament coming up and I need all the energy I could get! I heard bananas offers much energy, but some say chocolate does more good. Can anyone help? Is there other foods which...
Why do the lyrics that appear on CD booklets and album covers rarely tally with the lyrics of the songs themselves? They always seem to miss out bits, get a few words wrong etc. Is this just bad...
osbert sitwell described the smell of moths and camphor balls and drowned sailors while Reginald Farrer saw a moulting mop dipped in stale lobster sauce. Which much prized flower of the working man...
I have to have a sample of my bone marrow taken in 3 weeks, and although I will be sedated, I am more concerned about the pain involved than the results! I have had 2 children by emergency c section...
I have recently bought a Sanyo Widescreen TV (not brand new) & it sometimes makes a high pitched whistling noise, especially if it's been moved. A very gentle tap occasionally stops it). Can anyone...
I suffer with sinus probs especially during the winter. Any suggestions? Would a humidifier (to counteract dryness of central heating) help? Heard too many horror stories about 'the op'!
does anyone know what the song is from the KFC peking twister advert that's out at the moment? Its got the line 'Who's lips are sweeter than cherry pie'.