answers are all birds: 1) cLhdeRkoes-71. Unscramble. It's a real high flyer. 2) Office manager with loud honk. 3) Agency worker who tracked down Buffalo bill - once all the bleating had stopped.
What is the beginning of eternity? the end of time and space? the beginning of every end? and the end of every place? the same answer for all 4. i will give you the answer on saturday Good Look:-)
Manchester United footballer who in 1985 became the first player to be sent off in an FA Cup Final. Julien Duvivier film noir starring Jean Gabin in the title role. Alfred .............., Nazi who led...
I'm not entirely happy about my answers for these last two questions. I have a 6-letter word beginning with 'S' for Q.103 but it doesn't sound like a musical instruction! Also, I have...
Its been a while since I posted a question but this one is doing my head in. I know what these dishes look like but the obvious answer is a 19th-20th century scientist. I cannot find a...
really stuck on picture 101 and 4 and 35 any clues what is the single word title of the oratorio which contains hallelujah and oh my heart is sore within me apparently it's not messiah as...