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Those dirty diving cheating bunch on nancy boys - what a crappy way to win a game: they get stuffed out of sight by the Aussies so decide to go to ground without being touched. The ref was in a good...
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Hi when do I lift my potatoes
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I have just bought a BMW Polo, and as I have never had a fifth Gear before, I am not sure what speed I should be in before i use it. I know this must sound pathetic to all you hardened drivers out...
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Just a bit
Why is it then that we can't use shortened versions for other cultures e.g. P**s for Pakistanis. IT'eys for Itallians etc. Its just a shortened version of their longer noun - not meant to be racist,...
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I've been invited on holiday with my 3 friends but they've already booked it as i couldn't go before but i can now. There is free space in the room for me. Does anyone know what the chances are of me...
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I am growing garden peas for the first time ever, can anyone tell me when they should be picked
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I'm interested in finding out what cars are your favourites old and new, stylish, sporty, quirky, high performance etc. Please I want lots of answers, with reasons too.
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do you think graham poll will get the world cup final after tonights performance.
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Grant Farrow
We own an end terrace town house in city centre Edinburgh. Planning Application has been submitted which will leave a gar of TWO INCHES between the gable end wall and a block of flats - making it...
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Can someone park a 7 and a half tonne pick up truck down a cul-de-sac, just becasue it's their new job? Parking is already limited but this takes up 4 parking spaces? Any advice greatly received.
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Don`t know if this post should go in world cup or not. I heard today of a grown man in Scotland who hit a 7 year old child for wearing an England top. What is this world coming to??
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A strange one I know but you may be able to put me and my work mates out ofmisery. we have got into a debate on castle names.... are there any castles that are not names after the town/village they...
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A little birdy tells me that there may be plans to axe big brother after this one??
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did John Wayne ever do a swashbuckling film
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CAn anyone suggest any music tracks to be played when acting a bathtime scene(8-11yr olds)
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About to have anal sex for the first time (it seems to be heading that way anywho) I know what porn stars do, but generally speaking, and I'm asking rather more experienced guys. Best preparation in...
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sweeden score again!! woo hoo!!
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Just recently i've been unable to open jpeg links in my Yahoo account. I click open and a milli second flash and back to open document. One one a error message said.. Powerpoint can't read c:\doc and...
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Does anyone else think its really rubbish? I hate it, it really is like watching paint dry.
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After watching Millionaire last night, I am shocked by how rubbish my knowledge of American history is! Can anyone recommend a good website on American history so I can brush up on it

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