One of a crew to cause online offence on empty vacuous platform ( 7,5 ) - i have trolley for the first word and -o-l- for the second - really stuck - thanks !
Everyman - Lovely strong swimmer 5-4 and I have honey and then -o-y but cant find a word that fits. Also Emails appear here when genius removes underwear (5) - why is it inbox - I cant parse it
I am not an IT idiot but I cannot work out the difference between " quick reply " and " reply all " and I don't want the endless contacts and I can't pin an attachment to " quick reply "...
Football pundits behind Yorkshire side: I don't like that giving ground - answer is HILLSBOROUGH and I can see the Hills ( Jimmy ) Borough but where does the rest come in
He or she with the guardian who tormented 24 ( 24 is Prometheus ) - obviously ZEUS (4) but why - also Self styled reference, lexicon, dictionary and so forth (9) why is it THESAURUS - thanks gang !