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11ac. "Posh kid has to tolerate travel by train, all may conclude (8)." The answer appears to be BROOKLYN (Brook = tolerate, plus traveL bY traiN, concluding letters). So I can parse it. But how on...
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Sorry, posted it wrong. Should have been: President, one in role of a nation's leader; he does magic? (3, 3). I have O?I ?A? Puzzle has Fourth of July Presidential theme, but can't see this last...
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Just missing the Z island. Poet changes his top (5). I have Z A - U -. I may be wrong about the U, though, if the non-themed D answer is not DANSEUSE (and if it is, why?).
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Last one. "Don't tell me! A modern composer in an old bowler?" (5, 5). I have S-A-E -A-N-, and wonder if the composer might be Adès, but am baffled by the bowler....
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Fenland drainage channel surrounding open ditch (6). I have E–O–E–. The answer will be a plant. Many of these obscure vegetative clues are tricky....
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22a. Party in retreat — Liberal Party (4). My last one in a great puzzle. I have B—L—. There are not many words that fit, but I can't parse any of them, so would be grateful for an explanation...
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Last of the second quartet (and only remaining gap): 15. The first person to settle in the West Country (4). Have - M - W, but nothing fits. Thanks.
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Shell female got rid of in past (5). O - - - R.
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The six heroines and their author were fun, but after that...! Anyway, this still defeats me: 7d. Not all clothes end in tatters, coming from China (7). D - E - D - N....
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Strasbourg out of order? On the contrary! (4) I have - S - O. OSLO is the only thing I can think of, but really I've no idea. Perhaps some European acronym?
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"Actor can these days cram in the worst parts (4, 6)."  I have - O - N  - L - - - E. I suspect the first word is JOHN (can) and the whole is an actor's name -- possibly one I don't know out here in...
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16ac Waistline finally slim and dark......... (5) -B-N- Some of the answers are names of palaces but not this one I think. This effort by Philistine was simply way below normal standard of a Guardian...
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9D: "Finds the ark built right with branches outside". Guess this must have "boughs" wrapped around smething, and answer probably not a palace...what a charmless puzzle this is!...
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After climb, turn up at party (7). Across clue; penultimate letter is I. [Rest done, but need to crack the NE corner!]
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Been waiting for someone else to ask: 23a. Channel turning minister 1 down part 2 (7). I have C - L - I - T. CELLIST? CULTIST? Both fit, but I can't see why. 1d is STINGING INSECT, so part 2 would be...
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Does anyone have any hints about how to search a question so as not to look stupid when people say "Already answered?" When looking up my last one, I entered simply "Guardian," and only one previous...
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The answer to 15a in the current Guardian Prize (BESHREW as an anagram of HEBREWS) suggests that there are ten other books of the Bible shuffled in this way. I have caught ACTS (twice), DANIEL...
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Stuck in NW corner. "Greek character with pistol held up police. (8)" I have -E-U----....
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This is what counts and where to be displayed (3,6,4) THE / B?L??? / ???? The B & L may not be correct if I have the grid the wrong way round! - it's a jigsaw puzzle crossword...
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8d. Old sporting hero Coe over time (4). - E - T Last one, but can't get it, probably because I'm an expat and don't know the relevant Coe....

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