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Why did he leave at Half Time, as Wenger doesn't seem that upset about it? Also, should he have done so, as one of Arsenal's most experienced players I would have thought he should set an example?...
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I've just caught a clip in a programme where a woman said that if she caught cancer then God would look after her. Surely this begs the question, if there is indeed a God, would he have given her...
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If you're under 25 and Welsh, prescriptions are free. If you're under 25 and English, they cost ?6-50. I've just paid ?13-00 over the last 2 weeks for antibiotics because I live in England. Is this...
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Anyone still do this the traditional way or have we all turned to gravy granules, would appreciate some good tips on making gravy. Thanks.
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Jeremy Kyle, Trisha. Do these people get paid to go on these programs? How can they sit there and look fools thinking they are "Well Hard" the femails are as Hard as Nails and the Bloakes have no...
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In September 1982 Bobby Robson was widely condemned when he omitted which player from his first England Football Squad?
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who won two olympic gold medals in the same singles event 2 years apart??
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Name footballers past or present who have some sort a animal related name ie. Peter BEARdsley
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There has been much said on here about correct grammar. Two points need to be made. 1. Some people's grammar is so bad that they display a complete ignorance of the English language. It has been said...
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Well, what do you think? Hope the Anfield game is on the Beeb rather than Sky...
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This is not really a question more of an attempt at a wake up call - I am getting really worried by the total lack of mention of the current condition of the worlds oil supply and the fact that within...
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I got food poisoning from a take away. Should I report it, and who to? It is in the same town as a young boy died of e-coli a few months ago, so it is a lively issue.
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Is anyone else a bit concerned that someone's going to get seriously hurt in this?
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How ironic a none celeb wins it!
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Never lost to Croatia, Macedonia or Israel, never played Russia ( did lose 3 times to USSR ) Estonia or Andorra. I dont think it could have been easier. And poor scotland get France AND Italy. U gotta...
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hello, im at work frustrated as my head office has put lots of blocks on certain websites, ie.. ebay, football websites, FHM etc etc.. basically whenever i type in an address it says '...
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Why when we're 18 are we able to go out partying every night and drink alcohol without getting a hangover (or just a very mild one), but by our early twenties we already don't have the energy to go...
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I'm not sure whether this question should be on here or Internet and Technology. Here goes. I have a website for an organisation and want to allow users to sign up for paid membership by using credit...
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I've got some chestnuts left over from Xmas that I never got round to cooking. What's the best way of roasting them? I've heard if you're not careful they blow up and pebbledash the inside of your...

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