brain dead today!
n? ????e?t
interviewee's response shows lack of observation
against even arranging break
extremely excellent form of medical diagnosis...
11a f?a?t?e fellow has coffee, then last squash 8d free y?r?e imagine getting liberated without commitments 4d t?l?i?s volunteers like to edit small old films hope everybody's brain is working better...
14a ??i??? passage musical transition is a game to kill time 1d g?t??? ?? key bent toy badly but survived, can it be gotten by? just seen it. 8d t?r??? disapproving sound, seeing stray go back in...
???D ?A?S?R
sport, playing raiders in charity event
W?R?D ?U?I?
earth producing exotic sounds
could it be wired music? or am i clutching at straws!...