17d very important to be disparaging, 8 letters 16d one chip is cooked - about time, by the sound of it, 8 letters 24d some problem with old animal 26a having knowledge about costing G?????? brain...
stuck on so many today, hope for your help> 3d B?O?I?? ?C?T?M? 1 good time to break the sound barrier 14d ??S?T?I?T around tree, indicate source of wealth 24d T???? sad end to being muscly...
i may have some word wrong today, cant work following out, thanks for any help 2d cat has tamed new mining hazard w?i?e?a?? 17d bear hair used to make aromatic collections ???b?r?a 18a photoographer's...
any help please>
downcast head of department thrown out, 8 letters
performer first seen in paintings, Eastern, a?t????
object found in sea being repaired...
28a downcast head of department thrown out, 8 letters 21d performer first seen in paintings, eastern a?t???? 22d object found in sea being repaired, wanted put mended but cant see connection with...