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The solo guy that sang in the 80's about the same time as Nick Kershaw who sang about 'don't crack up........throw off your mental chains'
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can anybody tell us of a good educational game for a six month old and where to get it from thanx
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There was this guinness ad from a few years back. There was this street (somewhere) and these students walked into a bar which was jam packed. They got there guinness and then went outside and started...
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ive been a ps2 maniac for ever!!! now im wonderin whether i should get the ps3 or xbox 360. help me i dont know wat one help plz???
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Has Tom Cruise ever made a bad film??? Was pondering- whilst watching the Last Samurai last night (ace film!) that apart from 1 film I can't recall Tommy (we on 1st name terms now) ever doing a dire...
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can someone please tell me what the elements of pop are? I really REALLY need to know. thankyou :)
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On the Simpsons there's a tune that is play at stelthy points, etc. For example, during the sugar ban, when Homer and Apu climb into the secret entrence in Lard Lad. It also is played when Bart and...
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what is the recent rnb track with the lyric- 'i had one too many to drink' or something like that?
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hi can anyone help lyrics are here wew are again happy as can be all good pals and jolly company who sang this please
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I know there is a song where he sings in his real, deeper voice. Can anyone remind me what it's called?
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horace w
hi everyone be intrested to hear your all time best line from any song.
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there was an arcade game basically space invaders but the twist was that you started off with one ship( one blaster), if this was intact after 1st level you could land it on top of the second ship (3...
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was listening to zane lowe on radio 1 a while ago and he played a song.... something to do with a rabit in headlights... tom yorke was singing it but not his band! was a brill song! any ideas?
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stealing Music?
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does anyone know any great acid tracks not 90s house but stuff that wouldnt get in the charts no lyrics necessary plenty of 303 any suggestions?
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will there be any real difference in the graphics between the xbox 360 and the ps3. I have an xbox 360 and think the xbox 360 graphics are great
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am trying to get the music from halo 1 the truth and reconciliation level but its not the truth and reconciliation suite any ideas its the bit in the game where theres tons of covenant and they keep...
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the line " well we can make it if we take it slow " is sung the same in another song does anyone know what song?

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