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fireman sam or postman pat
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what are everyones favourite shows at the moment, im a massive fan of the apprentice, family guy and planet earth
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Has anyone ever done any academic research into the different forms of regional dialects in the UK? Possibly with a specific reference to the borrowing of words between the dialects and even borrowing...
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I am a playwright and I am working on two short monologue plays. One from the Husband's point of view and one from the Wife's point of view. I am interested in answers to the question - What did I...
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Would someone from Nuneaton have a strong Birmingham Accent?
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Mr D Black
Where have most people met their "other half"? I was wondering as bars/clubs etc are all social venues, but i think it is a myth that these are the best places to look for long-term relationships, as...
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There Used To Be A Cartoon On Channel 4 Early In The Morning. It Was About A Yellow Duck With A Mole For A Father He Used To Wear A Red Scarf?
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Watching The Games last night, and seeing Shane reminded me of thinking the same question last time he was on. They really are awful. A gallows, a chain round his neck, shackles, a number 13... and...
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Joe Shmoe
If you had to recommend a Tv programme that was hidden away in the Tv schedules .Which one would you recommend? I would Choose NOW AND AGAIN on ITV4 Saturday and Sunday 8pm.
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Im a bloke and i find it really hard to find a shampoo that suits me. I have medium length wavy hair and if I wash it with average stuff it becomes too dry and if I leave it, it gets greasy. What...
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i hope i'm in the right department! if not sorry. heres my dilema for three or four months now i've beeen invovled in a very flitry and suggestive friendship with someone i know at work recently he...
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What is Postman Pats full name?
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I think i must be the only one who never watched this....but i saw a clip of it the other day and it looked brilliant, does any one know if i can down load season 1 on my pc if i can how Thanks x
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is it me or is it everytime that witch is on the box, you feel like smashing the place up??? She makes my blood boil! Get her of the TV!!!!!
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what book, food, drink, person and extra luxury item woud you want with you on a desert island
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I was at the end of the line when they were dishing out bottoms, in fact nowadays it just merges into the back of my legs! I remember seeing something advertised made of latex which made you look as...
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I am becoming accustomed to my music collection and although I download new stuff a lot, I want to get into some new things...therefore i was wondering if u had to recommend ur 3 favourite songs what...
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Have you ever been mistaken for somebody famous ? For my part when i travel around the country watching my beloved Surrey C.C.C i often get mistaken for former England cricket captain Mike Gatting,...
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who on the answer bank mahes you laugh the most. i have just read some answers and make me giggle like a girl. so i will start: barnado,mr_pointment, sickofmorons(when he aint a tw*t),...
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Does anyone know where it is?

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