Good morning everyone- it's a lovely sunny one here, going to be warm over the weekend, but not too much, just pleasant .....this I can handle 😎 Today's links, thanks to... ...
Here are todays shaded clues for you- 13a An oblong, square or triangle of bunting, a vexillary emblem, a flat slab or paving stone (4) 53a A pilus likened to a strand of capellini pasta or... ...
7d Bag by Brown: fashionable, sweet thing (9) ??C???R?? SACCHARIN? maybe? 17d One bagged by brazen Prescott, getting Gove's rag (9) S?????T?? Thanks in advance
I got a card through my letterbox from Royal Mail for the above. The amount due was £7. I am expecting a small parcel that was due early this fact I'd contacted the seller who responded... ...
Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day here, heading for about 30d, light breeze, I can just about handle that 😎☀️ Todays links - CUP DIP POP ROPE As always, everyone is very welcome to join in - just... ...
1 These involve taking leak in different pubs? (5-3) B????-??? 11 Whisky? See *** islanders (7) M?????? 13 Crappy Parmesan has Dutch character (9) A????????
Good morning everyone - it's warm here, around 30, which isn't too bad and very little wind, which is a real blessing. We're still desperately short of rain so the hills are something of a... ...
Good day, help with the following would be appreciated! Thanks! (Acrosses are normal. Answers to down clues must be modified before entry in a consistent manner suggested by 24. Entries are all... ...
I'm unable to score the Links game as my grid doesn't show any shaded clues - I've got a rough idea what the matches are but I'd like to wait for confirmation 🤔
We seem to have very little here (W Mids). Certainly nothing that merits the severe weather warnings we've had. MET office being over-cautious? What's it like at yours?
Good morning everyone and welcome to a new game, a new month and a New Year !! Let's hope it's a very fulfilling one where the links are concerned. Weird weather for the start of the year ....I... ...
Across words are composers Need to omit a,e,I,o,u,y Greetings Victoria's first walking reins right away (9) I have hvhnss Can't find the composer Also 8d second word Clue: joker in Brazil regularly... ...