Hello. i am really pretty good at sudokos. i can do all the 'hard' ones, whatever the publication. but i can never do the really hard ones ie 'fiendish' in the telegraph. 've read the carol vorderman...
can anyone help with 1 across-side given a pound back ???n?l 5across Race round Spain in fact r?b?l? 2 down decrepit man around jam 23 across keep with an unknown level ???e?y
20a most important S?L?E?T (7) 24a English City E?E?T?N (7) 59d Curl or ring of smoke ??E?T? (6) 58a Very impressive or important T???R?N? (8) Thanks in advance
26dancient indian religion which focuses on theory of karma (7) 45da wheel with groove for rope to run on such as a pulley 31a copy of book left unsold when demand has fallen (9)
I know, I know - I'm running very late - big race meeting here today, so glued to TV - winning though, which is good !!! Good morning all, will post this and follow up with preamble in case early...