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Rabbit with reddish brown fur (7) b-l-i--/hare
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Arrange the letters to find the name of a recent BBC1 sitcom(11) :- B D E E M N O R T U U Thanks in advance.
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in which year was british summer time introduced ?
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latin scholars!! as above u? ????? by the very act ??s? ??c?o earnestly e? ?????
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Hello. i am really pretty good at sudokos. i can do all the 'hard' ones, whatever the publication. but i can never do the really hard ones ie 'fiendish' in the telegraph. 've read the carol vorderman...
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can anyone help with 1 across-side given a pound back ???n?l 5across Race round Spain in fact r?b?l? 2 down decrepit man around jam 23 across keep with an unknown level ???e?y
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Does anyone know who the birthday celebrity is please? Born October 28th 1938 (5,8)
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21a strong post E?A?E 65a expression of surprise or endearment B?E?S bless?
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University degree of bachelor in any subject? (13) _ _s_e_a_r_a_e could possibly start with a B any help please?
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20a most important S?L?E?T (7) 24a English City E?E?T?N (7) 59d Curl or ring of smoke ??E?T? (6) 58a Very impressive or important T???R?N? (8) Thanks in advance
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26dancient indian religion which focuses on theory of karma (7) 45da wheel with groove for rope to run on such as a pulley 31a copy of book left unsold when demand has fallen (9)
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I know, I know - I'm running very late - big race meeting here today, so glued to TV - winning though, which is good !!! Good morning all, will post this and follow up with preamble in case early...
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36a Decorative item with styles such as chevron,lampwork and cloisonne? (4) ?E?D bead or lead?
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21D Russian house D - - - A 23D Pluto H - - - S 24A Resistant to change 15 letters beginning with Unr
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11A.Member of group with boater on. ?A?R?S?N.7A.Rebel carrying explosive may be seen in field. ??E?T.3D. Birds of Wales regularly seen.???S.
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in south africa any small animal that crawls G-G-A
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cactus like leafless african plant -t-p-l-a 8 letters
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3d.....""Impressions not on board to press down tightly".... t - - p. Stuck with this, help please !!!
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47down Quotation from measure for measure (5) d*e*t, my book has dress'd, which is obviously incorrect. Help Please .
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11d cactus like leafless african plant ?t?a?l??

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