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on holiday in the canary islands wireless surfing in the lounge hotel with some German people and I have the only electric mains connection and they are running out of battery power. Do I..... 1....
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I have a concealed toilet cistern with a push button flush. From what I remember from when it was fitted the button was connected to the cistern by tubing. The button now needs pushing 3 or 4 times in...
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leggymessiah according to that a quarter of brits are obese and its on the rise . the most obese people in europe that says. so do you reckon that a...
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does anybody know where i can watch or download alot of bbw facesitting video's??
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Got any idea what time it is
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Anyone still logged on here? Fantastic debate about the new AB Ed, unfortunatly my comp crashed and I can't get it back. TIA
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personal question i know but what is the circumference of your but after the army? :)
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Seems there's no chance or am i being too pessimistic? What really are the chances of folk coming on here for fun instead of seeking out others specifically to abuse them ?
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If he sings his repertoire of songs the show will be over in 10mins,He was crap the first time around. Boy at "47"do me a favour
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yes thats right I have bought him some flowers and before I put them in the vase I cleaned it and took particular attention to the rim so it gleams.
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I'll start with A Arsenal..........go on then knobby your turn
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Another legend turns into myth... another 2 accounts he willl create! What a life he lives :P
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i was in tesco today and i saw sally that comes on here i know what she looks like from her fb pic ..she never saw me .but do wish i had said hello but was not 100% sure it was her ...nothing worse...
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Rihanna aint half fit innit!
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I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the...
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i went to the beach today , havent been there for a while ,due to the weather , but i go there quite a lot when its fine ,today was different , when i got there i could hear disco music and saw lots...
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Or do you hate the type of people who come on here moaning about other peoples spelling have they got nothing else to do in there sad little lives. They are the sort of people that have got their...
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....or are there others out there who get really irritated at bad spelling? This board seems to be notorious for it. When I see something spelt incorrectly I just ITCH to correct it. Is it a...

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