1ac endless material about radical plays (6).
15 ac gardeners hemp mixed with heroin makes one barking 6,8).
7d female abandons large puma for naughty bits of fun (7,4).
Many thanks in advance...
9ac hand over textbook I have left in this? (7,7).
12d have its combatants thrown down weapons (6,5).
13d way out of sight, but no escape route (5,5)....
1ac port the old lady perhaps picked up (10).
22ac ordering tactics changed, I assign players roles (7,8) .
14d name in China due to move out of bonds? (9).
Many thanks in advance....
Den Mayer always hard
24ac words from mouth? (7,7).
14d violent act due to power being seized (4,5).
11dkids like to keep hand on nose (11)
Grateful for help...
14ac toeing establishment line brings chaos in revolutionary Genoa (2,7).
17ac Loire seething with fish in continental location (9).
Thanks in advance...
Further help please. 5 ac spades in copper and steel is blasphemy (8). 12ac showing proof of of evil,detain criminal (10). 24 ac cracked iron mug filled with a herb (8). This crossword is so difficult...
12d honest if repeatedly not lying? (10) .
1ac mass puncturing ceiling in temporary quarters (4).
19 go and fish in taxing place (8).
Help appreciated...