(1) for example before a backward dinner call (6) (2) said to be a cure for a cold (5) (3) 2 letters missing from a lady's game of sport (4) (4) out of practice--wood fastener (5,4) thanks for any...
the word can come at the beginning or end. (1) pan,sheet,star (4) (2) gum.over,par (4) (3) driver,fly,industrial (5) (4) bag,bullet,surgeon (7) (5) fishing,marriage,plate(7) (6) book,heap,metal (5)...
word can come at the beginning or the end. (1) cock,footed,thing (4) (2) body,empire,society (8) (3) hood,ship,step (6) (4) dance,deal,meal (6) (5) arts,court,law (7) (6) belt,power,shed (4) (7)...