(1)nothing false about this item(4,5) (2)bird with a rank in the British army(10,6) (3)sometimes seen in horror films!(7) (4)coloured trousers always moving to and fro(8,4,5) (5)elegant lightweight...
(1) relations at the head of the inlet (2) is tony at home? (3) town of large stones (4) cape or overcoat (5) mix up heather (6) complete everything,that is (7)a thane-" and king hereafter" (8) not...
(1) sea bird goes before a small street (2) a Scottish one wheeled 'vehicle' (3) a joint in satan's arm (4) ready for shaving? (5) is this fruit angry? (6) pierce the river crossing sorry number of...
(1) we play with them,at them (4-5) (2) nag with nothing in it (7) (3) do you serve them or strike with them (4) (4) continuous muscle spasm? (7) (5) frames of interlaced twigs (7) (6)fish caught in 2...