Boyfriend went fishing ,the next day is arm swoll up and a line of fluid was going up his arm. Couldn't get into dr's so because it was getting to him he went to hospital . They told him 6 people had...
Can somebody please help me and my husband out as we can not remember all the continents !!! Ignorant I know, we think there are seven ,if anybody could name them we would be grateful, Thanks .
Last night I made a 15 bean stew with the 15 bean soup mix the amercians at work gave me. I also used a polish salami to go with it. I put the remains in a plastic lunch box, came down this morning...
I am looking for advise on a good author, I currently read Dan Brown, Patricia Cornwell and do like thrillers... so am maybe looking for suggestions on a similar theme or maybe some alternatives like...
Does anybody really pay all that money for the latest albums anymore? The last album I bought was By The Way ...RHCP ... Loada cr^p, so I vowed never to buy any music ever again ... My MP3 collection...
i got hooked on lee child last year on holiday and have read all his books since could any one recommend another aurthor who i could follow who is as good
Still struggling with Nos. 8 and 51,but, I would like your opinions please on 63. The Little Apple. I have Googled & came up with The Little Apple Pastry Shop in a village in the U.S. called ALDIE. I...
Only have one answer left to get and it's driving me mad as I have nearly all the letters & still don't know the answer! Can anyone help please? Former Kimono-clad frontman who went solo with Sold _ O...
anyone have an idea who sang this? it was on a free cassette that was given away by a music mag in the 80s I had the cassette but lost it ages ago. ps I am NOT talking about 'big area' by then jerico