Has anyone ever done this. We have a guest bathroom that doesn't get used much and , although we try to remember to use it now and then, a line forms , I suppose from the calcium in the water, in the...
Hi Sqad, I am having Radiofrequency Turbinate Reduction done on the 15th. in the evening. The Dr. didn't mention it, but do you think I can eat and drink normally that day ? Or should I go having...
Poor little thing. She really is so cute, and not used to losing as you can see by all her trophies. Too young to put on BGT in my opinion, she's so upset.
Hi Sqad, I am glad to see you are feeling much better and are home again. Look after yourself, we need you ! Actually I would like to ask your opinion. I have made a date to have my nasal turninates...
Does anyone know ? I take my BP regularily and it is pretty good. But lately I think I am having palpitations. I am under quite a lot of stress at work. I went to see my GP yesterday ( not about this...
My poor daughter had a robbery last night. They hardly ever go out, but last night we had the baby and they went to a party . This morning they discovered they and next door had been robbed. Poor...
I tried to find some Lithium batteries in AAA size, but I couldn't , although where I went there was a huge selection of batteries. Do such a thing exist ?
A while ago I was asking if anyone had any ideas how to light up the interior of my new fridge, as it only has two lights on the top shelf. Someone ( can't remember who it was :( ) suggested a light...