I have just come back from Lidls, where I was expecting to buy of their De Luxe range, only to be told they only stock most of it at Christmas. Oh the disappointment !...
Good morning all. I am the proud possessor of a brand new refrigerator/freezer. But alas, the fridge part seems smaller than my old trusted GE. So I need to reorganise and I have found I have many...
Hi, I just wanted to update you on my sinuses. I finished the Synalar and Nasonex spray course and am continuing with the nasal was every morning. 1 teaspoon sea salt and 500 ml warm water. Nothing...
Due to my fridge/freezer dying on me I have been cooking the defrosted meat that I had, all day long, and now I feel so pleased with myself :). The fridge is full of prepared meals, I just hope it...
I have been watching the Marco Polo series on YouTube, as we don't get Netflix here yet, but lately there is a black screen over the picture and makes it very dark. Does anyone now why and how do I...
Does anyone else find Rita Ora totally false and cheap ? I couldn't believe she used her FEE to press the buzzer. What kind of example is she setting for how young girls should behave ?
I have bought a new dryer today, and am not sure I made the right decision . I used to have a vented one, ( which sadly died on me last week ) but today have bought a condenser, at the advice of the...
I've just come back from buying a new double doorFridge/freezer and a new dryer. Gumph........swallow hard ! My surprise was that apparently the main manufacturers don't make dryers that evacuate the...
Now my fridge is going wrong. The freezer isn't getting cold enough, neither is the fridge. My OH reckons we need to get it re loaded with gas. Any suggestions ? We haven't had that done for years, it...
My dryer is driving me nuts. It keeps stopping and the door pops open. I had the technician in to have a look but he was useless and just said I was overloading it. Idiot. I have been washing and...
Does anyone use TVSofa ? I have downloaded two episodes of Marco Polo, and wanted to download the third tonight, but when I tried the website said "no links available at the moment " anyone know why ?...
I have just made a chocolate Yule log with chocolate buttercream icing. Do you think I should put it into the fridge until tomorrow. The buttercream icing is still very soft
I am getting so fed up of e-cards and the Christmas videos being sent on Whatssup from everyone. I don't even bother to open them up anymore. Is it just me ? All the companies I do business with have...