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a motley crew of 5th columnists, assorted lefties and remoaners etc are all moaning that we have failed to stop over 28,000 illegals in 2021. So over you you ladies and gentleman what measures should...
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I have tested positive and feel lousy. I have been taking paracetamol endlessly. If you've had covid, what helped you???...
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Starts on Netflix on 14th January. Nor for everybody perhaps but I really liked this even though I'm not a great fan of Ricky Gervais.
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This chap dies and his widow calls the local paper to have a notice published. They ask her what she wants printed. She replies “Cohen Dead”. The tell her the minimum charge of £5 and for that she can...
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one combination that works - a very dark skinny woman with a bright gold nose piercing. That looked nice.
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For a few days now I seem to have blocked sinuses which makes me feel headachy and tired. I know that nasal sprays are probably the way to go, but I can't stand spraying something up my nose. Are...
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I've decided to re-watch season one before season two. Someone said that there was a lengthy recap but I feel I need to see it again. Does anyone else re-watch dramas before watching the next series?...
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I will have to get better sleep - I am going to bed later and later resulting in sleeping longer too and getting up with so much muscle ache. I do believe to try and get in between the sheets around...
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I never use mine I only have high and low settings How can i cook a perfevct roast...
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Carlos, one of the four singers that are Il Divo has died from covid in hospital in Manchester. Very sad, only 53. He had a fine voice as have the three others, favourites of mine.
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I have a small one on the side of my necks which just recently appeared - I initially thought it was a spot and started to scratch it unintentionally. It’s at a spot where it catches on everything and...
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Are there any countries giving jabs to under 12s?
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Another nicked from Facebook
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Any sign of Barra where you are? It's dark and damp here in Manchester, but I will venture out in a little while to visit an old friend. Do you need to go out today?...
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Here is a extract from an M&S advert which cropped up on my screen today. The reason I'm posting it is that I discovered that am unable to twist my hands round like the lass depicted. To peer through...
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I see Richard Madely has been taken to hospital 'as a precaution' after falling ill on the show. I remember forty years ago when we as a nation watched aghast as Clive James showed clips of...
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piggynose Its doesnt seem a popular verdict due to the riots. What do you think? sorry if this has already been covered....
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Every now and then the women in our family get together for dinner and a few drinkypoos. That is my two DILs ( not married but been with my sons for years) , their two mothers and their two sisters,...
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A Priest, a Rabbit and an Imam turn up at the blood bank together. 'Excuse me, Rabbit' said the nurse, 'Do you know which blood group you are'? ' I think' said the Rabbit 'I must be a type O'....
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What do you think of this. After putting a picture up over the weekend that I bought in Amazon - a few visitors have said the picture is nice but like myself (I thought it too) too small - a bit...

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