Irish Mail on Sunday No. 658
22a. Visionary, starry-eyed (8) --y-o---
28a. Paper given away (9) --e-s---t
13d. Accord urgent status (10) -r-o---u--
1 across. Underwear generally, 5 letters. L * * * N? * * 2 down. Parts of speech 5 letters * * U * S? 14 across Sci-fi power source that allows travel into the fourth dimension 10 letters. H * P * R *...
6d, Formal and proper item i have that's rudimentary (9)?R???????
8d, Spirited producer ? (9) ?I???????
14d,Rich one leaping (9) ?????D?N?
20a, Bell the cat (3) ?O?...
Stuck on these .Would be grateful for any help 19D Irish actress (4,9) ?A??B???F??L? 34D Japanese sauce (5) S?O?W Not sure if the w is right 15D (5) cuttings from the bookie perhaps S?1?S Snips fits...
10a Harmony shown by soldiers during a salute [9] 12/13 use the grapevine in part of castle, with one a threat, as it were [4,2,3,2,3,6] 6d Girl has job getting round a London ice rink [9,6] Thank you...
Watched a clip on Sky News about black votes and a meeting they had about the main parties not including blacks in their policies....are we not all equal?
Hoping if I can get answers to the Down clues will get finished! 5d. Really hard workin America on promissory notes. (9) ***o*i*u* 19d. Elegant vehicle's reversing.(5) *m*r* 20d.Terminal with a point...
53d :- In Norse myths,the ash tree that was thought to overshadow the
whole world,binding together Earth,heaven and hell ? *G*D**S*L
Last one,so any help greatly appreciated.
Thanks dg...