21a Poet's order to horse that's unenforceable (10)
- - - - K - A - E -
4d Avoid legal action when held up in station (6)
E - S - - -
Any ideas please?...
My new neighbours have wasted no time in making a nuisance of themselves. Yesterday, while I was in the garden, without warning my neighbour threw a bucket of water at me, and ran back indoors. The...
To all atheists on here out there, if you were compelled, and must join in a religious denomination which would you choose to follow – Judaism , Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Baha’i,...
I had a bit of luck on the Irish Lottery on Saturday,when I went for my money on Monday I was told I had to wait until after Wednesday's Draw as I had also entered the numbers,on the same slip for...
Just watched the ITV news with Gordon Brown and his wife touring a hospital and to be honest Mr Brown looked like a lunatic,,his eyes bulging with a fake smile then a grimace hands waving in the air...
With the election looming, there's been much discussion on 'Class' on here lately, so how do you, personally, define 'Class'? Take, for example, someone born to a poor family living in a deprived area...
Stuck on 2 today. Source of radiation from outside our galaxy - 6 letters. Large vessel that carried blood to the heart - 4 and 4. Either of these will contain at least A, P, Q, R, S or V. Can anyone...
Is there an inherent link? I mean let us not forget that Tatchell and co after sucessfully lowering the age of consent to 16, immediately suggested 14....