1 They're very nice but could be crackers
2 Just a trifling French game
3 Animal that keeps on going
4 Gives cover to one who's lying
Thanks in advance for any help...
I will declare immediately that I do not buy so called raunchy magazines etc of naked young ladies, even if I do find the sight very attractive. Let's face it, there is an absolute frenzy throughout...
2d. Greek God - ?e???s 11A. Proliferated - ????I?L?ED 3D collapse - ?M???D? 14A. untidy - ?N?E??? 16A. Led or guided - as at a wedding - ?S?E?ED I am having a bad day tody - the brain isn't working!...
http://www.thesun.co....ath-escapes-jail.html Has learning difficulties but does have an ability to 'regret what she did'. In other words, knows right from wrong. Those that know my views on things...