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13. hottftla 1000 s 14. 12porithb 18. 646mpithoc 25. 4itah 29. 50sotaf 30. 1woam 37. 4fa1ttah very many thanks
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In Mr. Jeff's family, there are one grandfather, one grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, one father-in-law, one mother-in-law, four children, three grandchildren, one brother,two sisters, two sons,...
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John was studying for his examinations and the lights went off. It was around 1:00 AM. He lighted two uniform candles of equal length but one thicker than the other. The thick candle is supposed to...
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The following are cryptic clues to birds. I haven't been given numbers of letters in answers I'm afraid: 1) Flier 2) Vegetable stuck in a weather vane 3) Flown over the Atlantic for Christmas 4) Half...
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Replace the asterisks by the correct mathematical signs to make the expression equal to 99. 16 * 12 * 2 * 3 = 99
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There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, and the only food she had for her ten children was six potatoes. How did she make sure that each child had an equal share?
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Still stuck on one: Insulate casualty with fruit? Thinking along the lines of lag, wrap for insulate? Can anyone help please?
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what does th a in the military alliance NATO stand for?
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evening________Circle royal___________baby sliding_______down common_____________mat ??????????????????????????????help??????????????????????????
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where is everybody from, as me being new here i dont really know anybody so jus wondering were everyone is from xx
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My friends have just emailed me this. Tell me your stripper name! It's just a bit of fun... I'm Fantasia Leather Tush :o) 1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name: a...
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tropical birds with hard outgrowth onlarge red or yellow curved beaks
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do you give your kids animal attributes? my eldest lad is gentle but solitary and grumpy so is a cross between a lamb and a grizzly bear , my 2nd son is akin to having a pesky bluebootle fly whizzing...
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The sea of ....... is full of hardships The answer is something to do with marriage.
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6 across Theatre worker (5,7) ?C?N? (scene?) S?I?T?R Thanks for any help received
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How do you break the habit of my eleven year old son from coming into our bed every night?
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I was asked in a recent job application to describe myself in 7 words.I was totally stumped as what to say.You can't say something like funny because I was very serious at the time.You can't say...
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Hi all we are off to zante in july with the little one, anyone suggest any toys which woulkd keep a very very active toddler occupied during the flight? we have flown before with her but she was only...
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I have a 14 1/2 year old son who is so very lippy I could happily throttle him. I try v v hard not to get worked up with him but he is pushing me to the limits at the mo. I have 2 other children (3...
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One day Laura celebrated her birthday. Two days later her older twin brother, Terry, celebrated his birthday. How?

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