hi all hope you have had a nice easter i have been to the devils arse they are caves in buxton, obviously the kids thought it was great just because of the name have you been anywhere with a funny...
Any other left-handed people out there? I feel that we're the one minority group left in society that is unfairly prejudiced against without recognition. No-one understands the trials we have to go...
There was a song played in this club, and it sounds a lil bit like cotton eye joe, some of the lyrics are something liike "she is pretty, he is handsome" then it has a lot of like...
A friend of mine is trying to work out what this song is but all she can remember is that they were an american band and the video is set in a huge house with a pool where there has obviously been a...
Would someone put me out of my misery and tell me the name of the eejit featured recently who presented his own fishing programme in the US? He had the uncanny knack of managing to break at least 6...