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where can i get a good wuality cheap wig for a halloween party? i've tried ebay, anywhere else online?
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I have recently been reading the book You Are What You Eat after the popular tv series. It has really made me think about all of the rubbish that goes into my body and I have decided to change my...
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A few weeks ago my bf smashed his knees at work at the end of the day, thought a weekend's rest would 'fix' them but it didn't, on Tuesday he went to the doctor as he could put no weight on his knees...
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How much is everyone earning per year? And do you think it is enough?
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i have graduated with a 2.1 in media and english and i am really struggling to get a job in the north west. can anyone help??? thanks!
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Bonzo 2000
I'm guessing its something to do with reproduction, seeds and roots etc, but I'd appreciate a more detailed answer
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where is adam ant these day's
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minor key is associated with sadness. Why?
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anyone got any different vegetarian recipes? I'm fed up of the same old same old.
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I am going on a sponsored walk which i will be running in on the 19th of October i will be running it though like some othr people. I really wanna win and I am very fast but i can't last long because...
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I was made redundant 2 months ago. (3rd redundancy) and I'm signed on the old rock and roll. I'm registered with agencies and am always searching & appliying for work. (But the field I work in is...
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How do "soften" the heat in a dish when I accidently used too much pepper?
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the scene in hannibal where he cuts the top of a mans head leaving the brain exposed and the victim is still concious would that be possible in reality?
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I know its still oct but I'm getting that nasty "how am I going to put up with them?" feeling already...2 scenarios 1. They visit us 5hrs approx 2.We visit them approx 3.5 hours..... Have u any...
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An old tale I've heard says that you can do yourself damage by not going for a pee when you really want to, for example in the middle of the night, instead rolling over and holding fire till morning....
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How much would you expect to get paid a year doing office work 42.5hrs a week?
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if the only liquid i ever drank was diet coke would i die from lack of water?
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I am absolutely gutted, my favourite mascara - Astor Magic Style Mascara- seems to have been discontinued or something. There use to be an Astor makeup counter in Boots and Superdrug, and I have been...
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My job consists of staring at a computer for 9 1/2 hours Monday-Friday and constantly using a mobile phone to take calls off engineers. How much damage will this be causing me?
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I have asthma that I treat with inhalers as both preventative and treatment measures. I have noticed that my asthma has been occurring more frequently in the last year or two. I was wondering if there...

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