I now have two pop-up blockers running at the same time but they still get through!!!!!!! Is it impossible to stop them????? Any advice would be very welcome.
What is the diffrence between all the three? Which is the best? I have a desktop, 2.4GHZ Pentium, 512MB ram and 40GIG h/d. Onboard intel Video Card and Sound Blaster 2.1 Sound Card. Which would...
I have an image I want for background but i can only seem to make it repeat itself or have it small, does anyone know how i make one image full-page size?
My computer has developed a major problem - I cannot open Task Manager. The window appears fleetingly for a few milliseconds and then disappears. Despite all my best efforts it is inaccesible. It has...
I've bought a mini ipod but when I try to install it, it says I need Windows XP. I've only got Windows ME. Does anyone know if there is anything I can do to install it on a Windows ME system please?
How do I go about typing a link, but have it as the word here. For example, I want to write "click here" rather than "click www.theanswerbank.co.uk" Thanks.
does any1 know a more specific date about when the nokia 6230i will b coming out in the UK, all the nokia website tells me is 1st quarter 2005 but as i see it that has almost past and no sign of it in...
I need to bulid a website and i want all the earning to come by listing all the affiliate pograms how do i earn money with affiliate programmes using my own web page what sort of webpage...
I keep getting Pop-ups with the title Ceres, for games, ringtones etc. I am running AVG and 'Pop-up Stopper' but they seem to be still getting through. Has a program installed itself or is there...
How do you connect a web camera to the world wide interweb? I have 3 cameras and want to join them all together to the world wide interweb, but they will be far far from the computer, can i use lots...
do u guys no any website which have COMPLETELY FREE polyphonical ringtones for sony ericsson Z200? by the way: it cant involve WAP in any way!!! Please not jamster.....it dont work cheers
sometimes when watching the live football scores on the net i would like to view other pages whilst keeping my footy scores active,either minimized to the task bar or in another window so i...
I have some songs on CD that I would like to put on the memory card on my mobile phone. I'd be really grateful if someone could please explain to me how to go about this please.