we're going through a divorce right now and i know for sure that he's cheating but i need some hard evidence to use against him in our settlement. please help.
....on Sunday for the final day. Really looking forward to it. Hope the weather holds up. I went to Hoylake a couple of years ago and it hammered down most of the day. Here's hoping!
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4657830/transgender-women-born-boys-babies-NHS-doctors.html This idea raises several million questions, none of which seems to have an answer. Such as - where...
If they were to get their wish for the whole council to resign, what then?...
Am stuck on last one - expect the answer is very simple and I will feel a fool but ..... 10a feel concern about end of rural Irish county [5]: C-A-E I'm guessing that care comes into it but ... Can...
I know freezing water will expand when turning to ice and will break steel concrete etc. But if the water was contained in a vessel that could not expand at all, the water could not be compressed and...
I've recently come out of a relationship where I discovered she had been cheating on me, I've sent a lot of texts, not threatening but calling her and her 'married man' every name under the sun,...
1 started smoking when drunk [ 3,2] lit up ? 2 left port full [5] if lit up is right I've got l???? - so thinking laden ? 3 pto to see it [8] overleaf ? 4 grand sheep, manx cat or killer whale [7]...
I make it 10. Can someone confirm where I have gone wrong
4D mArriAge
7D knowlegeAble
8A thAllium
12A drAw
13A lutherAns
17A reynArd
20D nAmely
22A nAsh
23A cAmber
25A cineAste
26A lAsted...
Whuchever browser I tried for the last 30-40 minutes, I got the "This site can’t be reached " message, yet all other sites worked as normal. Tried everything- refreshing, clearing cache, changing...
...watch him on the line-up the day before (on most platforms) and I've never seen anyone look so guilty, he's sweating, nervous and lost, especially when he looks to camera over his right shoulder....