These have defeated me tis time..... 1. bre akf ast ( alll stacked on top of each other) 2 arrrhaargh! (starts in tiny letters and growns increasingly till the end of the box) 3. a tick in the middle... ...
So, this is either the easiest dingbat in history, or very clever; BUS. I assume the answer is "Bus Stop". But am I missing anything? Will post answer tomorrow.
Good morning everyone - and it's a beautiful Spring day here, sunny and warm with just a hint of a breeze, and it looks like we have a few days of the same, through to Thursday when we might get... ...
Quiz help please This is a group of 3 The 3 c__s of the f--- of g--- Answers begin B R and I These are groups of 4 The four r--- of A ------ Answers begin A S M D The four C---- c---and t--- Answers... ...
Hello again! Whenever I do quite well in the adult quiz, such as with the FIVE out of seven that I scored this week, . . . I seem to do poorly in the... ...