1. Capital loses a letter then grows (7,7) 2.queens Christmas special was when (4) 3. Finish with a tiny bit (6) 4. Scottish whiskey (5) Think no. 4 might be grouse but not sure. Thanks in advance for... ...
A few months ago, I got a job in the delivery service of my local beer factory. The first week of working, I bought three of the same overalls from the Dutch army with a thick fabric because they... ...
Recently visited a friend after a very long time. I knew she had kids, but they were most certainly too young to remember me when a first saw them. After arriving at her home and being welcomed, i... ...
Brain fog again. Help please 4d Prince carrying on- the nerve! 11 letters ????u?????? 26a Figures prig's stomach is in knots. 9 letters ??????l?s 23a Daft love-in ban is not practical. 9 letters... ...
A work collegue is leaving and I bought him a card but did something stupid and spelt a letter of his name wrong - in my defense there are 2 ways of spelling the particular name. Anyway I was... ...
Answers are words in Good King Wenceslas or Twelve Days of Christmas. Last few if anyone can help please. No.5 You add them in Maths to multiply and note down incident in formal record (4). No.10... ...
Good morning everyone- weird weather here, looks like rain but I think it's got lost somewhere 🤔 Not the only lost thing around here, I just realised I hadn't posted this 🫢😡 The links are... ...
Here are todays shaded clues for you - 14a A batch or devils dozen of 13 loaves or rolls cooked at one time, an all-in-one supper, roasted in a tray, or a Scottish biscuit or floury bun (4) 22a a... ...
I got the first two questions right in the main quiz this week but then (just like my body shape over the last few years) everything went pear-shaped! So that's just TWO out of seven for me:...
1ac..Fault investigator disturbs owl,do we infer? (14) 2d.Pour steadily ,causing pet's downfall.(4,4,3,4) 7d. Year our hope also develops building in covent garden (5,5,5) 14ac. Run away with... ...
Been referred to the eye clinic but have to wait 4 weeks. Its due to a small white itchy bump deep in my lower eye lid which is somehow making my eye feel pressure and achy. It seems to be... ...
I've got 3 quizzes that I'm stuck on - all help appreciated: Water Aid Answers are people or fictional characters or animals with a name that is shared with a flower. 32. An iconic band who are a... ...
I decided to make a new thread about the one that doesn't bother with me since she moved in with her partner. The other day I seen her down the dogs home while she was working and they gave us a... ...