I am finding this crossword very difficult. 10a grain dealer concerned with salt water right after flask breaks(9) I have it beginning with B and have no other letters. 6a in highlands whistle one...
Last ones
1 temporary procedure in small dog 3-2. Po? U?
2 gives out uncommon items 5 e?i?s
3 ladies private places are squeezed by the king 5.??re?
does it matter the pig having a cap [2,4] ?o ?h?? legal form [5] be??? body of principles and rules kept in the book [7,3] ?t????? ??? - sth log reprimand despite having a right to have reprocessed...
Hi folks need help with a few to get me started, please. 09a Easy way to get over an ill-begotten problem (10) 18a Hamlet abandoned? The poem by Goldsmith, then? (8,7) 01d Spot where it comes down to...
sorry to be back again but i.m asking this for a friend i,ve already put my quiz sheet in and forgot what answer i put
swap old money in Tuscany capital . 4 letters girls name...
2d) A month in South America or somewhere in Polynesia (5) S?M?A 15d) Ideas for a broadcast referred to earlier (9) A?O?????D 20d) Smart one caught in trap (4) N??? 21d) Shearer's former tea importer?...
18 Is she secondary No 1 star?( Answer to No 1 is Greece) I thought at first Bengal,Senegal or Portugal but now thinking Bolivia but can't see why star is in clue. 49 Takeaway ( I have put Togo has...
why does he want people to have to have faith in him? why does he want to test them? he is clearly a megalomaniac to demand such utter devotion and smite people and send them to hell for eternity any...
help needed with last one please
26 what was the name of the revolutionary organization led by fidel castro that overthrew the incumbent Cuban dictatorship in 1959?
any help appreciated...
answers connected to names! 1. down under robin (6) 2. annie's song (8) 3. try most beige mood around (7.6.3) 4. not specific cherry tomato (7.3.5) 5. he pulled her out (6.5.5) 6. powdered little...