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You will get on with most of them I think as most of them are nutters.
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get a life u G- N o B
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Did someone beam scotty up? Have I magical powers then ?
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Especially the Roast Chicken, i have to eat 2 packets to feel like i have had enough.
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According to Einstein's theory of special relativity nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.... then how can we "map" our universe? from what i gather we "map" the...
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im a bricklayer and today whislt digging out footings for a brick wall i come across somthing weird... when ever i hit a stone with the shovel it would spark, now i asume this is due to a transfer of...
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im having problems reinstalling windows on my Dell C400 laptop. the main problem being i have no installation disc... i was thikning about reinstalling it with lunix or somthing, and i did download...
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Hey, im having a problem with my Xbox 360 elite. Basically, when I play it in HD, 1080p, I get no sound at all. When I play it in normal definition, the sound is fine. Any help?
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If you were to find yourself in the position of having a corpse to dispose of on the QT, how would you go about it? Imagine, you have access only to tools and chemicals easily available to anyone, and...
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Does any one know where I can download the old version of microsoft for free???
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i am a noob when it comes to building websites... so i tried making a website on Dreamweaver and have hit a problem that i can not find the answer to. i want to have a random fact pop up each time...
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im looking tomake a bit of cash on the side :)
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when i go to fight it shows a list of items i used in the fight when i loot an good item it add it to my inventory but minuses the last item used by one each time i gain one thing and lose another....
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ive been on a contract with orange phones for around a year. due to losing my job, i was unable to pay my bill, so they took action and stoped my incoming calls. i have now payed at lest ?500 to them...
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i got a contract phone just over a year ago, in this time i was working... however i lost my job and was not able to keep paying my phone bill. so they stoped my outgoing calls, and my phone bill was...
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my little niece is only 6 years old, and her mother has claimed she has had depression since she was about 4-5 years old, to be precise bi polar or manic depression. love her as i do, shes a bit of a...
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Yes, insomnia again. Still wide awake and thinking what can I watch next. Not worth going to bed now as I've got too much to do tomorrow. Have a good day everybody.
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how do you read assembly code?

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