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i would like to know if it is possible to download or copy file data for Xbox games and then burn them to disk to play on your xbox
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i hate having lots of shortcuts on my desktop! i just want a nice tool bar or something with a few of my most used shortcuts. how do i go about making this? i would like to write my own program for...
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why do amphetamines such as speed mdma cocaine make you chew your face off?
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can anyone explain what a complex number is?
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or is that just crap
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apart from seeing a doctor
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i like to keep an open mind on things but i am a very strong believer in science and evolution, alltho i still don't completely dismiss religion. admittedly science can only explain so far as to how...
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i have been learning about serology. if you are blood group A you will produce Blood group B anti gens and vis verser. i have been learning about the lock and key mechanism and the techniques used in...
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ok... For all us 'egg heads' haha... Lets all post interesting science facts? Try make it whacky? even fun! :) Be creative! I'll start!! :) Did you know there are billions of people in the world and...
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just someting that came to mind while watching superman 3,its the bit when superman gives the supercomputer acid and it starts boiling and then melts into the machine. now can you boil acid? would the...
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I've been with my husband 20 years(since I was 16),married for nearly 12. For the last 6 - 12 months he has not been able to hold down a 'proper' job. The last job he lost about 6 weeks ago(not his...
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xx cutie xx
what side effects can you get after coming off the pill and how long will they last?
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Is it possible to generate random numbers using an ordinary calculator? If so how?
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thinking of downloading it and wondered if it was safe or riddled with viruses
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i have just got new ink for my printer whihc i have not used since my old computer that run in win 98. My new computer is windows XP sevice pack 2.... when installing it gets to the drivers and says...
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Can anyone please tell me if cupronickel is a soft or hard metal ?
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just recently my computer has been slowing down, i have just read up about sofware that is a virus but hides itself as a legitimate system file therfor can not be detected by anti virus/spyware...
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just recently my computer has been slowing down, i have just read up about sofware that is a virus but hides itself as a legitimate system file therfor can not be detected by anti virus/spyware...
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There was a music video of a girl sitting at the kitchen table w/ suitcases, she was crying. She got in a car and her b/f was running after her. I think she got in a car accident, but not sure. Than...
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im curently 18 and want to take up science as a living. since a kid i have been so interested in science i love learning about chemistry and i find our Universe a mystery. im curently re-sitting maths...

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