Vising hospital, I handed my watch to my daughter, saying, jokingly, "If you wear it, don't forget to wind it up" She said "Wind it up? " It turned out she never knew that watches were ever wound,... I would pay the subs myself but I fear the country is full of tight moaners who cannot see the advantage of the worlds best broadcaster in it's...
Is it all right to have what sounds like crow scarers boom out this last two months .from nine in the morning to dark every day .do the jolly farmers need a permit or indeed are are they legal and can...
I know we all like to grab the headlines with our questions but can't believe a post about pubic hair has had so much response I wouldn't stoop so low to answer (pardon the pun!) I think I will just...
My boyfriend and I have been together for a couple months now, and we're thinking about having sex. We're both virgins, and he's seen naked women before, and I don't know if they had hair "down...
Does anyone know where to get a wire basket that will mount to the back of a pantry door? It's going to store cling film & aluminium foil, so it needs to be about 15" long x 4" deep x 4" wide. I've...
for food that's been left over,my menu tonight will have to be,veg .soup. vegetable curry and chips,stewed plums and crumble with custard. for breakfast I made French toast with all the leftover...
I'm still looking for an A rated silver coloured condensing tumble dryer.......preferrably with a hose to drain the water from the condenser tank. Any help appreciated, my search has only found B...
Just left with 9.Prince George of Cambridge Speech bubble ' We have met you know.....' St Nicholas Speech bubble ' Really? Have we? I don't recall......' (There is a Large Black Arrow Pointing to...
Help! My Grandad keeps asking if I can find a song from either the 20s or 30s with the lyrics; "Come back from the shadows, dream girl of yesterday" Does anyone have any ideas at all?? Would really...
my wife and i spent a holiday in Malta. some friends gave her a liqueur
called Tamaquari or Tamacari.does anyone know the drink and if it can be bought in the uk....