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Need help to get started!!! Clue: purifying little Catherine on the lorry (9) I have: s-t-e----...
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Norm, a Spanish gent and yours truly get apologies(6,2) Sorry,no letters Classical site's book of prophecy is revealed in Paris map.(8)???????E Hate nerd, a freaky hanger-on.(8) ??H????? Not doing...
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Crooked molar 4 - 5 Entire male bovine horn carrier 8 Thanks in advance...
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20d It sounds like material wobbly(6) 26a Aspersions from one coming down to go aboard ship (8)...
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1. Part of speech used by a trickster at the crossroads? (11) 2. The French find this person very arresting (8) 3. Some ref rang mama to find someone to run the holding (4,7) 4. An Irish dance with...
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Unwelcome but eventually beneficial experience masked official approval (8,2, 8)??e?????, etc - only one letter Do everything possible to change position of next world before this one (4,6,3,5.) Any...
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Hats off to Juno,collecting herself overseas sovereign.3,3.T?E ?A? Which is this guy's loosened tile ?H?T.Not clear from previous answers. What or That?...
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25(d) Pretty little girl, keen on Guys and Dolls and open to all (5) I have b????...
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this must have a metallic lining
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species of shark (4) ?A?O distribute in a different fashion (11) REA?P?????? group of advisors accompanying V.I.P. (7) R?????? form of punishment favoured by the old Royal Navy (4) ???H describes a...
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14d Friend ringing home after priest is put out (9)????I?A?? 16d Top of vase decorated,though no good lacquered (9)...
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23D Utterance of prophet?It's usually transparent.(4) ?I?a
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struggling like mad this week. 15d grand loan to be invested in revolutionary sinks ?p?????? 16d composer rejected job, he has no ties ?a?????? 17d film campaign to get into headlines 4,4 ?t?? ????...
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Snookered on 19 dn) Upset working with top Hollywood star (6)?a?i?o. Help please....
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Help! I have one question to go. 27a Gold I knock out for Achebe's Information Chief. I have o?i?o
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1a Decrepit folk making pots (6) ?R???? 21a One Amercan state or another lacking a river (6)...
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I have stupidly cut out the 31/8/14 crossword ready to send and have not completed 51 down. Clues are with recycling man. Can anyone help?
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Still struggling with this quiz & time is running out, there were 100 in total !!! All answers must begin with D E or F 3 Train an old reporter but be quick !! (7) 17 Can rue going round to finish at...
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Hi all, Stuck on a few . Thanks in advance 10d Set one on court to open square (8) I have D-C-A-E- 19a Label describing Liberal fanatic (8) -L-C-L-- 20d Splendid climbing plant starts to overrun roses...
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4 Across, Bet a guest will demolish quantities of bread (9) 9 Across, A lot of people crammed into tin armoured personnel carrier? (7) 10 Across, John Southern is in Paris, with minimal restrictions...

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