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hints/answer re poem welcome-also 11a bishop's dress mo(with irin hoop)reshaped 10 41a old lady repelled fine shark 4 ?A?? 42a cursing manager evenly broad and blue 10 ???????O?Y 1d rascal sewed old...
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26a Occasionally sitting in the veranda nonchalantly (4,3,4)
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26a. Being completely out of it (6) M?R?A? I thought it may be 'mortal' but I've seen it answered as 'merman'. Can't parse either way....
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Cant get this 13 Across And ChieF 8 Down geomEtry Where have I gone wrong must be me no one else has queried it...
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davey b
Sedate clue for Liberal Party? D?U?E Wives falsified bust H?R?M Cross out corner T?EE...
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Rear deer (4) ??n? Thanks, chox...
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Fellow, bloke ?o? Joe? or Boy? Thanks...
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cornelia 1
22. Respect drops verb, gains female (9) 39. Mothers Union is seen thus (5)...
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Here are two the clues I'm having difficulty with. Any help please? 62. It could be lamb, batting at the keyboard. (6) 80. We hear a pipe used to draw off liquid....
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Name of a Scottish Country Dance. Headquarters (2.6.8.)...
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7d. Dicky's exercise on river (6) ?E?i?E Apologies if answer is obscene - and a happy new year to you. Thanks in advance...
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Help, I am really struggling with these and am not going to be here to finish this off before the closing date, so I need to get it despatched now. I have spent hours googling and stressing my brain...
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I have a final few clues to be solved. You have all been fantastically helpful so hope you dont mind helping out with the final few, as follows: All answers are the name or location of a river of the...
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last one-help please 3d men serve up some jewellery for a nouveau riche londoner 3,9 M?S,?E?E?R?N? mrs=misters=men but can't find the rest-ring somewhere?...
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Really struggling with the last few clues to a cryptic Confectionery Quiz. Answers will be factual,anagrams, phonetic or plain cryptic! 1) Hello (7) 2) Tie to toys roof (5,8) - guessing this is an...
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All answers are related to Disneyfilms or movies: a pretty lady and an ITV chaser, sci-fi adaptation ofTreasure Island is it Treasure Planet. Thanks
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Could someone help with these two please. 31) What is the familiar phrase represented here? Porttaxugal 32) What is the next number in the following sequence.,5,7,1,9,22,39,71....
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EDISON. Why? Light bulb etc = end of match but that's a straightish clue. Where is the cryptic bit? Cheers....
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Welsh girl wears universal sword(7)

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