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Sea Devil

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Sea Devil
Keyboard piece emphasising touch. t _ c _ _ _ _ a ? Custom of marring (sic) outside tribe. e _ _ _ _ _ _ y ?
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Sea Devil
Type of fine porcelain. _ e _ r _ s ? A success so qualified that it counts as the opposite. m _ r _ l / _ e _ e _ t ?
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Sea Devil
Characteristic series of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation substances emit. s _ e _ t _a ?
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Sea Devil
A product expected to last a long time. c _ n _ u _ e _ / d _ r _ b _ e ?
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43d become apparent (7) S _ R _ A _ L Thanks in anticipation X
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Sea Devil
Copying/colouring process. d _ e _ i _ e ?
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Sea Devil
Price-fixing association _ a _ t _ l ?
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Sea Devil
Portion. t _ a _ c _ e ?
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Sea Devil
Steamed dish with fruit. c _b _ n _ t / _ u _ _ _n _ ?
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Sea Devil
The setting of an event. m _ s _ / e _ / s _ e _ e ?
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Sea Devil
Cancelling (a law) R _ s_ i _ d _ e _ ? Ten letters. Detached, separate d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? Ten letters.
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Sea Devil
Cancelling (a law) R _ s_ i _ d _ e _ _
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10d aircraft emergency device 8,4 e-e-----s-a- 35a ascertained the truth of (something) 8 ---i-i-- 2d erased (mark) from a surface e-f-c-d (think i must have some wrong letters)!
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Sea Devil
Barrier to information flow (eg, in company) c _ i _ e _ e / _ a _ l ?
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Sea Devil
Type of sugar. M _ s _ 0 _ _ _ _ ? Mexican dish. t _ s _ _ _ 0 ? Of a particular Roman district. l _ t _ r _ n ?
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Sea Devil
Extract essence from (archaic) d _ c _ _ _ ? Keyboard instrument. _ _ a _ i _ r ? Make anxious/uneasy. _ e _ t _ r _ a _ e ?
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Sea Devil
logically drawing a conclusion from premises. s_l_o_i_t_c ? One opposed to official policy _ _ _ _ i _ _ _t ? Commonwealth City State _ _ n _ _ _ o _ e ?
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Sea Devil
Alter, revise. _ e _ o _ _ ?
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Sea Devil
Hazelnut chocolate. n _ i _ e _ t _ ?
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Sea Devil
Serious actress. T_a_e_i_n_e ? Plant; drug from its roots. _a_e_i_n ? Part of the Mass. s_n_t_s ?

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