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I`ve been using Word to create documents for as long as I can remember and always used the Book Antiqua Font, but last week for some reason it didn`t appear in the Fonts list. As far as I`m aware I...
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Plumbsure Azure Washbasin Taps. The top of the shroud on the hot taps on both washbasins have corroded yet the shrouds on the cold taps are fine. I have been trying unsuccessfully to obtain...
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Centuries ago farms were known simply by the name of the owner eg. Robinsons Farm etc, but does anyone have any idea when this practice died out and farms were given `descriptive` (for want of a...
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Regarding a 19th century property does anyone have any idea what the term `Licence to Alien` refers? Many thanks?
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Has anyone any ideas how to remove a `stubborn` screw to allow me to remove the tap head from the hot tap of the bathroom washbasin? I`ve tried soaking with WD40 and leaving for a few days on several...
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Going on holiday to Austria in January and was wondering if anyone has any advice regarding getting the best results when taking photos of snow in bright sunlight and clear blue sky? I will be using a...
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In 1885 the landlady of my local pub, then a beerhouse, was fined for selling beer during prohibited hours. Her defence argued that the men who purchased the beer told her they lived more than three...
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Hi all, Has anyone any idea what the following initials could stand for which are on a date stone above the doorway of an old property near my house. E I C 1764 I know the initials usually are those...
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Hello all, Whilst undertaking some local research I found a reference in the 1901 census to a lady who was described as a `Tile Cutting Works Proprietress`. Does anyone have any idea what sort of...
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I have seen a reference to a 1901 Belfast refreshment house and wondered if it would have been licensed to sell beer, wines and spirits or did it just sell tea, coffee etc? Any info would be...
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Whilst undertaking some local history research I came across the following entry in the 1871 census: Joseph Fisher (27) Portuguese Vice Consul and Shipowner. I can find no further reference to...
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Unsure if this question should be posted here or in the History section so submitted in both. In 1859 a landowner leased a small piece of land to a chap on which to build a house. The lease was for...
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Does anyone have any information regarding squatters cottages during the late 18th early 19th centuries in England? In particular I`d like to know if this was a common practice and if a person had to...
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Is there any difference between an `Occupation` Lane and an `Accommodation` Lane in reference to accessing farmland in years gone by? Thanks....
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Near to where I live is a road named Hollow Lane. Although it`s a hill there is no obvious `hollow` as the road levels out at the bottom of the hill. Does the word `hollow` have any historical meaning...
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I came across a reference in the Borough Accounts of 1883 to the number of `WC`s and Jacobs Boxes`that were in existence at that time in my area. Does anyone have any idea what a `Jacobs Box` was? I...
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I know that I asked a question last year about `Enfranchisement` and I thought that I understood what it was all about, until I read the following and now I`m more confused than ever! "The steady...
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I`ve been reading part of `A History of the County of Lancaster: Volume 8` pages 304-319 (The Parish of Dalton) from: The reference for...
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An Act of Parliament passed in 1660 abolished feudal tenures and services, which in effect gave tenant farmers ownership of their land. But what benefit was this to the Lord of The Manor? Surely...

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