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Morning all. Hope you are all good. Found out Saturday Afternoon that my wife is pregnant (wasnt planned) and we are both having mixed feelings - we both want it....but its the age old money...
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The local hospital is having a charity day and they want people to bring cakes to sell.I want to bring something but am not sure on which cakes would be best.Chocolate rice krispie cakes are always a...
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I need advice. Im married with 2 children 12 and 16. My husband started having manic episodes in 2005 and was given paroxetine which helped him. He came off it last year with the help of our doctor...
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AB Asks
Teenage girls often skip lunch and breakfast in a bid to be super-slim. The survey of 70,000 school children has shown that many young people are risking their health to be thin. What do you think? Do...
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I was at the Next sale today and after about two hours,had bought everything I wanted.As I was lining up I saw a load of ladies waiting in the chnging room queue with bras and knickers in their...
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Dear scampish friend. I see your valete has disappeared, as I expect this will too. You brought a great deal of beauty and goonish nonsense to this site. Here is my epitaph to you: Neddie: Get out or...
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Well what can I say,It's been a lovely time here on AB.I've met so many colourful characters over these last 2 and a half years.Firstly I must say a massive thank you to Whiffey for always sticking up...
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How do I get into this? Do they get page 3 girls from an agency? If so, which ones do i need to contact? thanks
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I would like to buy a new pet but just can't decide on which one. Your opinion would be most valuble to me. /SamUgliestDogLulu.jpg...
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Headless Rat
I'm pretty sure my best friend is gay but I'm also pretty sure he will never have the courage to come out or even tell a few of his closest friends. This worries me as I obviously don't want him to be...
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I'm beng serious here.I met me girlfriend when I was 15 and I was in a gay club. I had heard from friends that she was rich so I decide to try my luck.I had already been succesful in passing myself...
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Thinking of doing htis for my birthday as a laugh, anyone been on one? How cheap / exxensive are they?
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what's with guys when they go on and on about other women, exs etc etc Why do they feel the need to offload all their previous relationship info and who they fancy etc........ are they insecure or...
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lets all show a picture of what we look like great to put a face to a name /
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Doc Spock
Brilliant show tonight, David walliams, marvelous person, what do you think, I love him. 8 cats out of 10 or something like that.
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Can anyone explain to me who dislikes who and who likes who on here because im quite new and i would like an idiots guide to the rivalries in ab thank you :OP
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Please please please SOMEONE buy our house because the quicker we sell the quicker we can move to LONDON.
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Hi Ray, Hope you don't mind me asking, but I was wondering what made you decide to move from London (or wherever you lived before) to North Wales? You've mentioned that you used to enjoy a good old...

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