on here who were nice to me last night,unfortunatley my dad has been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer stage 4 and end stage emhysemia,he wont probaly last a week,thanx for all your kind words last...
I need to renew Norton Security online but am a bit apprehensive about giving my card details to pay for it, what do I have to look for to make a safe payment? I know there are some experienced users...
i would like to loose a stone in weight but as i work 3 nights a week i find my body clock is all over the place and i eat at dodgey times and i crave biscuits especially when im due on my period... i...
Hi! I'm still struggling with the last few! I'm still stuck on: 1, 7, 11, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 25 & 28. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks....
Why can't some people on AB make their point, comment or argument without resorting to contrived swear words, going to the trouble of substituting letters for numbers, leaving gaps and other ways of...
This may sound boring or childish, but it's worked in remarkably interesting ways all round before. Nevertheless, if it fails or ends up colapsing, it's bound to happen anyway. I thought I'd give it a...
In the tiny village of Lacit Nedi live 5 married couples with surnames Ashley Evelyn Hilary Lauren and Lesley . The husbands' first names are Ashley Evelyn Hilary Lauren and Lesley , and the wives'...
i know i am young but me and my fiance really want to start a family. But the thing is, i am in college and only work part time and he is a car valetter with a very low wage and we just cant afford a...
this site is full of durg addicts, ******, alcholics , ex cons and goodness knows what else,thought I'd found a decent chatterbank but evidently not, there are some wonderful people on here genuinely...
Hi there I have a bit of a problem when people ask me where I come from. I was born in Warsaw, I left Poland at the age of 22 for Denmark. I came to England 4 years ago from Denmark. When I am in...
12A Plant that grows in dense tufts on grainy soil and has white or Pink solitary flowers 8 LETTERS S??????O?T 26A A TWining woody climbing plant of East Asia and North America, with blue, purple and...