Would anyone help me with these please. 1.Spin coconut fibre and err endlessly [9] 2.Comb before noon then gain meritorious award.[8] 3.Pavlova genealogy proves revealing.[6] 4.Spacer separates string...
WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO! I've got through 3 weeks of training & I was offered the job today!!!! I am now officially serving behind the counter in the post office from next week. I'm on cloud nine. &...
several quizes just waiting to be finished Sayings 4 ARHNAABT Jobs with Animals 8 Hoodwink Scottish place names 20 Should get well measured rest here Found in a Chemist 7 CALM A TOPER 16 SONG ZELL 26...
Do you think its possible to still look fit at forty ? I dont mean physically fit but fit in other peoples eyes? I was discussing this earlier over a beer and one guy said that once you hit 40 youre...
I have found my two daughters 22 years after they were adopted . we have met , and I love them both as if it was yesterday .So never give up , I am happy for the first time in my life . Just had to...
7d A rock mass ormountain peak shaped like a needle. A?G?I??? 8d Placental mammal from S. America. e.g anteater E?E?T??? 18a In cards a sequence of three in the same suit ?I?R??
Last two - 37d English scientist who formulated a law of elastic bodies, (5 letters) H___E, 41a City of the Isere River in the south-east of France (8 letters) G_E___L_ - thankyou very much for your...
Ok all you English Language experts I can make both work, so, What is the consensus? What is the 'best answer?' 15d............Flare (my gut feel is it's this one) or Flame Old Salt