We've got a wasp nest down a hole in the flower bed (about 40mm dia hole). It probably belonged to something else and the wasps have taken over. Anyway, had a quick look on the net and it seems Nippon...
Thank you folks!! Last two clues? 7 down. One about to box gear for person in emergency fllod accommodation. AR??TE 15 across. Mag's area includes one for nothing. ??NE
After weeks of trying I've solved 64 but really stuck on words preceded or followed by: Blood/Pack/Beetle, Free/Back/Over, Soft/Whipped/Salad (Cream??), Railway/Music/Test, Game/Work/Magnetic and...
4d- its a small company with endless stew for the french coast c?t? cote? 21a- pester one of the queens grandsons ?a?r? harry? 19d- a chance to begin a career for a sailor in the street s?a?t
one of my 4 year old cats has been missing for 11 days now, we have put posters up with her pic on tel number etc. and posted in letter boxes around where we live. She has never gone out for more than...
Right or wrong? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/textbased/news/arti cle-1034634/Lady-Thatcher-honoured-State-funer al-Palace-fears-troops-line-streets-London.htm l
i am having a bonfire in the field next to my house tomorrow as various bits of unbinable (is that a word?) rubbish has built up ie remains of various body parts, the added bonus is that the wind is...
What will this goverment dream up next, rather than do what they know they should do, lock these knife thugs up, their going to try shock tactics ye ye, we've heard it all before, as if you can shock...
Stuck on last two..thanks, Plant that grows in dense tufts on grainy soil, and has white or pink solitary flowers. I have S----O-T 6d to reject a person or thing with contempt. I have s-u--