I seemed to have gone wrong 22a sedates soldiers with mesmerism first t???s 23d clot no more, so dispersed out east ??r?n 14 a is the answer spire any help please ?
thanks to all of you for your answers I have just a few more A better day for news (4,2,2,1,6) Diminuitive irish insect (5,6) Big Dance (3,5,5) An exhibition in Florida or perhaps Ohio (5,4) Address...
Film and stage musicals hidden in clues Dickensian politician (8) A vicar's Job (5,3,5) The sesame man (7) dates for rabbit food (5,4) Musical backbone (1,6,4)
Film and stage musicals hidden in clues a victorian lady's treat (4.9) Totally unrestrained (8,4) Those Venetians (3,10) floral rotunda in tune (6,4,4)
any help please ? Film and stage musicals hidden in clues Creme de la creme (4,6) Crossing Broadway (4,6) A well known hotel chain (7,3) Travelling lady (5)