4 down... very warm round roof,producing ovine complaint (7) h????r?t 11 across using no box promises to be unpleasant (9) ??n?x???s 15 down.. easy for mob prone to getting involved with student (2,7)...
14 across.. focus on solution's strength (13)c???e???a?i?? 21 across.. near the cupboard-nothing (5,2) 22 across everyone follows terribly bent game (7) any help please?
13 across.. very affected by an endoscope (6,7) ????l? ??u???d 20 across ..wife gets headwear,hardly an unknown thing (7) p?????? 27 across.. identify time of festival (4,3) G??? ??? 16 down.. heard a...
7 down ..hard to get bird to wail (4) 8 down.. time of bewilderment say (4) 24 across.. reproduced stone support first, note (10) ???a???e? 26 across.. weaken discussion,having one enlightened (10)...
25 across.. nurse has trouble forming conclusion (4,3) t?i? end 17 down.. gamble thus inside and edward gets infatuated (8) ?e?o?ted 28 across.. after a time incline to show up (6) ?t?e?d.....is it...
2 down.. least problem,dispense with roofer's tool (5,3) s?a?? ??? 16 down.. space above face in picture (8) ?n???a?? 21 down.. busy fellow gets caught in charge (6) ?e???? any help please?