Clues please for the following questions where the answers must contain double letters-- 16 outlines spoken words perfectly, on paper 6.6 47 celebrity created by father been out jogging? 4.5 57 are...
Can anyone give me a clue please for this question ,If 3rd is president ,4th is lincoln and 10th is Monroe what is 8th in the same context (8) it has to rhyme with Chaplin have tried googling but to...
I know it's early to ask but now I've reached the frustrating phase with this great quiz where I can't get these answers no matter how hard I try. I only want pointers, not the answers and would be...
Please can I have some help with my last clue--
Answer must have a word relating to the weather.
-u--i-e by a--e- - i - -
It's a song and singer/group...
Please help with the following- Plant groundnuts through courtyard. 10 letters to rhyme with burdensome. Sea with tide turning-could cause things to get stuck. 8 letters In which assailants are pulled...