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the formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe C?A?S
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I know Groucho Marx, Tony Hancock, and Tommy Cooper were reknowned for their great comedy one liners, but can you recommend any other classic personalities and their literary contributions (Fictitious...
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Hi, I'm currently putting together my family tree..... I'm struggling to find the name of my grandad's mother. I know her maiden name but can't find her first name anywhere? Can anyone suggest a place...
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In geology, a fine-grained volcanic rock composed of alkali feldspars and nepheline 9 letters could end in et wondered if anyone in this area could help me with this? thanks
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which queen was crowned in 1963
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How is someone treated in hospital if suffering from secondary drowning....?
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SaxyJag How can the schools justify taking these children in the first place? If a parent took their child out of school to attend this event, there would be...
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Who thinks Im the Ruskie? If it is more than 50 % say I am.....I will leave this site for good...and all the peops Im on msn with. There will be a void ...coz I aint.
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who was the first live guest on top of the pops
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Did anyone else see ashley cole WATCH the ball go into the net, he's just a waste of space. the onle reason he should beon a football ground, would be to give the ball to the players when it goes out...
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are uk primeministers and usa presidents given lifetime security protection,? also are there any other political post that qualify for this security?
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whats the funniest thing on tv at the moment?
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If we found intelligent life on another Planet, would the Japanese and Norwegians eat them-do you think ?
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did john wayne ever make a swashbuckling film
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wonder years
what a load of rubbish top of the group how come , sat ecudore if they dont shape up it,ll be out the back door for england, howay lads pull your socks up, becks will be on after the break saying how...
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One of a class of inorganic compounds formed when metal replaces a hydrogen atom of ammonia? - 5 letters
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1a Quickly (5) A?A?E 23d Taxonic group (5) G?N?S Thanks in advance
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Cryptic clues to. 1. Do an undisclosed job in addition 2. They often hang from necks 3. Parent cats and dogs No of letters not given Thanks. J.
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Stuck on the last two all help appreciated 1 What is the only colour that a Sapphire Cannot be 2 Which delicacies have a name meaning " Little Ovens" Thanks
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Discharge bolt at old hound [6] Anger head of year[5] Nothing between five and fifty-five; nothing after[5] Crooked line in the landscape [7] Short work completed by the Spanish[4] Thanks in advance

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