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What do you think of "Buy 2 get 1 free" in shops?
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the hole with the mint.... contains an exclamation....... well known place in london starting with a vowel followed by 6 consonants.. cast thy bread upon the waters-in short,a cake.. it's a beauty,...
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Artisan working in upper regions ?H?E?????  9 letters Force up to party  ???E?  5 letters Youd react differently if providing knowledge     ?D??????? 9 letters...
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edgar stocks
4 down a disorderly fight also means a practice play in american football 9 letters  ?a?i?m?g?
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Common U S & Canadian name for the nightjar? G-A-S-C-E-
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I am frequently away for one or two weeks at a time during the summer months. For this reason, I have stopped planting out geraniums, etc. in pots because I am not there to look after them. However, I...
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This is a question for the girls, but the boys can join in as well, especially if they carry a bag. If you looked in your handbag today, what would you find!  A prize of a chocolate cake for the...
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Encumbered (5 letters) _ _ _ _ M Bind by conditions (3,5)  T _ _    _ _ _ _ _ Not of sound mind (3, 6, 6)  N _ N    _ O _ _ _...
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Singer/Actor who played Anatole Garron in the 1943 film Phantom of the Opera N _ L _ O _ / E _ D _
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in medieval folklore an imaginary land of extreme luxury and idleness
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Formal Decree issued by an Islamic judicial authority    -A-W-      5 Letters
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21A  intercept between fixed point and foot of an ordinate ??   A_S_E_S_
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Two things I am stumped by: 13a chemical compounds that have the same molecular formula but their atoms are arranged differently  i-o-e-s 19a Any of a number of species of eurasian songbirds that...
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1. Third molar (6,5 ) 2. Partisan (3-5) 3. Long complicated procedure (9) R _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Delivery or constable _ P _ _ _ _ A 5. She had a hit with Why (5, 6) 6. Torture instrument (4, 6) I _ O _...
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 8 down    Shortwave length  electromagnetic radiation. 48 across    Condition of equilibrium of the earths crust. 37 down   Athenian philopher
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Calling all computer buffs! (1) Type of computer with minimal instructions and fast processing(4) R?S? Also:- A sea anchor (4,4) A??? S?I? Thanks.
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Anyone know the proper recipe?
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sometime 3,3 is this any day???? ?n? , d?y   and is it ground for 7 across, substance used to prepare surface for painting
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11D Ibsen's first play, which was seen as a scandalous commentary on 18th-century marital relations (5,6) ?????, C?M?D?
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A substance used to prepare a surface for painting. ?r???d.  I had thought of primed - primer is not possible as last letter is `d` - to fit down clue - Louis Jacques Mande ------ - inventor of...

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