27ac: Extra cover initially dispensed with, out of habit (8) _D_ _ _ A_N 30ac: Go on stage, perhaps, having a piece ready (4,7) R _ D _ S _ _ _ D _ N 23d: Offender...
I'm amazed at the amount of people from my school days, who have contacted me via F/R. After all these years, we have exchanged fond memories & photo's of each other. Has anyone...
6across narrow minded friend holds trouble for choir 4down confused impression caused by Louvre,oddly and 16 across sea mist was returning to cutter. Could this be fret saw? 11 across backward, old...
I'm interested to find out if I am the last person standing (or sitting or lying) who has neither read, nor plans to read the Da Vinci Code. If that's you, please add an "answer" so we can...
I watched this TV drama the other day, and it reminded me of a book I've read. I can't for the life of me remember the author or title. It was set in America. The story was about a woman who had had a...